Saturday, August 29, 2020

Rock or Stumbling Block*

August 30, 2020

22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Proper 17

Matthew 16: 21-27

"Get behind me, Satan!"


This Gospel is a potent text

It is full of potent language

Language of undergoing great suffering

Language of Satan

Language of denying oneself

Language of taking up a cross

It’s heavy

And…I have so many questions!!!


The first question I have is
What is it, exactly, that PETER gets so very wrong?


The second one is 
What does it even mean to deny myself?


And the third one is 
What does it mean…for me…to take up my cross?



It isn’t just a matter of my being curious

I love getting into the text…investigating translation issues

Wondering about the 1st-century context


But my questions are more fundamental than that…today
…they aren’t just curiousness


This reading makes me cringe a little


What is it that PETER gets so very wrong?

Jesus’ strong rebuke indicates that PETER has messed up in a very big way


7 days ago…in last Sunday’s Gospel

we read the story of “Peter’s Confession”


In last Sunday’s Gospel, 
Jesus posed a question to his disciples:

“Who do you say that I am?”


And, “top of the class Peter”, replies

“You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God!”


And then we heard Jesus say to Peter,

“Bravo Peter! 

Blessed are you! 

Gold star! 

And for that: 

Here are the keys to the kingdom!



It has been a week of days

But, in Gospel time…all that was only three short verses ago!


Three short verses later 

we have today’s  STUNNING REVERSAL!

From YOU ROCK to

“Get behind me Satan! You are a stumbling block!”


(Our translation says ‘obstacle’ but that loses the original wordplay) 


Just a few verses ago, Peter was named ROCK

“You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church”

But now he is a different kind of ROCK

He is the kind of rock that causes others to stumble!


That is one lightning-fast reversal!


So…What DOES Peter get so wrong?


This movement from ROCK to Stumbling Block gives us a clue.

To be a stumbling block

You have to be out in the front

And what does Jesus say?

“Get behind me!”


WHAT Peter gets wrong is that

He is in the wrong place!

He decided to take the lead from Jesus

He got ahead of Jesus!!!

Being a disciple means to follow

“If you want to become my followers” the text says

If you want to ‘come behind me’

The Greek means literally “if anyone wants to come behind me…”

Well…you best stay there

That’s what it means to be a disciple

A disciple follows

If you jump ahead you will, sooner or later, become a stumbling block


What Peter gets wrong is 

Well he is having trouble staying ‘behind’ 

He is having trouble following

…trouble being a disciple


But I totally get Peter

He doesn’t want Jesus to “undergo great suffering”

He doesn’t want Jesus to die!

So, he steps out in front to give better directions!


I get that.


Question number 2

What does it mean to deny myself


It can’t mean to deny my being

my personhood

That would be horribly counter to the Incarnation

And good ole modern psychology;)


It must mean to deny something else.


The most central teaching in Matthews gospel is the Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount

With all its talk of being the salt of the earth

And the light of the world

And then the beatitudes

Blessed are the poor

Blessed are those who mourn

Blessed are those who seek righteousness for the sake of the Gospel


The Sermon on the Mount is the ethical backdrop of the whole of Matthew’s Gospel


What we need to deny

Is whatever it is 

That hinders us

Or that acts like a stumbling block 

Whatever keeps us from the kind of living

   that Jesus lays out in the Sermon on the Mount

And here we can look to the reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans

…It has a “Sermon on the Mount” feel.

Rejoice in hope

Be patient in suffering

Persevere in prayer

Extend hospitality to strangers

Bless those who persecute you

Rejoice with those who rejoice

Weep with those who weep

Do not repay evil for evil

Feed the hungry…even hungry enemies


There is a Sermon on the Mount…a Beatitudes, kind of feel to Paul’s words today.


Denying myself must mean to deny entry…

…to deny entry into my being

of any evil that will hinder a life lived according to these ideals.

Deny entry…deny them power to define who I am


And Question 3
What does it mean…for me…to 

“Take up my cross” 


There is so much I don’t know about what this means.

But there is something that I think I know.


What I know is that when I get like Peter.

When I think I could do a better job as Premier Christian model to follow;)


A bit of a cross is about the only thing that sets me straight.


Peter was solely focused on survival

Later, at the crucifixion, 

when he was warming himself by the fire 

and denied Jesus three times until that cock crowed


He was focused on survival.


You can’t pick up a cross…either your own or someone else’s 

If you are focused on your own survival…


To follow

To stay behind

To be a disciple

Means that I will have to go where the Gospel takes me

It is to live a life of compassion…

A life focused on putting another person…or group of persons…ahead of me

Such a life says 

“You…you…are a really important person!”

or “You are a really important group of people”


You might say…

Cindy that sounds all nice and gospely

But…please…get practical!


None of us need to go looking for crosses

I have never before felt so weighed down by images and stories, and speech witnessing to senseless violence and hatred and ugliness

Right now, it is “other people’s crosses” that confront me


I am safe in my little cocoon

Caring for my sweet Dad

And trying to support those in my life who are trying to reboot their professions after being halted by COVID  

And I can do these things

They aren’t crosses

A couple days ago 

I walked with my Dad to a little coffee shop run by a fellow 


Which is what you call others (female-others) who come from Marche

…My father’s home province in Italy

Her name is Catarina

And while we were there

A young girl, 

very tall, very thin, very dirty, she looked Southeast Asian

…perhaps Vietnamese, 

And she carried a plastic grocery sack of belongings

She had this blank vacant stare


Seeing the homeless is nothing new for me

Especially in Sarasota

But somehow it was different 


She came into the coffee shop

She didn’t have a mask

She didn’t really speak


After a minute or two 

Caterina, the owner asked her to wait outside…

There were a few people already there

The cafe is tiny

…And…well it is COVID and she had no mask.

The girl left


There I was 

Sitting across from my Dad

With my hot coffee and breakfast sandwich

…I was overcome with grief and sadness for her


But I didn’t do anything

Was I too scared?

In my mind, I quickly blamed it on being with my Dad, 

And Covid…of course.


But really…if I am honest…

I had survival on my mind

I only say this because I can’t get her face out of my mind


I realize that there are a lot of good and logical reasons why I shouldn’t have engaged this poor young woman

But the heart of the matter is that I had survival on my mind


After taking care of the few customers waiting and paying, 

Caterina stepped out of her shop and called to her across the street

“Are you hungry? Do you want a muffin?”

But the girl just walked away…maybe she didn’t hear

Maybe she didn’t understand.


Caterina said that she has seen her before 

and that all she is able to say is that she is waiting for her mother to come and get her.


Did she get stuck in Sarasota, or somewhere near, when all this COVID broke in?

Who is she? What will happen to her?


I can remember vividly such times when I failed to help carry another person’s cross

…there have been enough of them. 

And I can remember times when I have also stayed behind 

…in the disciple’s position

And reached out to put the other person first.

Like many of you…I suspect…

I can be both a rock and a stumbling block.


I look around

Both close to home and around the country

And see so many opportunities where “putting the other first” is in short supply

And I wonder

Where do I fit?


Maybe the answer to that question is a moving target.

Maybe what is being asked of me

Is to respond more like Catarina

…with a bit of boldness 


I pray…let me put my own comfort and survival BEHIND ME

So that I will not be a stumbling block for the Gospel



This homily sounds a bit like a Lent Homily

And in some ways…

COVID-time really is a kind of never-ending LENT;)



The thing is

I really miss you all

And I think I am struggling 

Because the physicalness of Christian Community is missing 


And it is such a gift

A gift AND a real necessity to living out my discipleship


Having the opportunity to look you in the eyes just Helps!


Help me. 

To be a better disciple.


Thanks for being the community that you are

In these days of longing!

And let’s just keep praying for one another


Lord, help each one of us

To be a bit more Rock

And little less Stumbling Block

Peace be with all of you

I miss you