Thursday, August 31, 2017


Thursday of Week 21 in Ordinary Time
Psalm 90


Teach us to number our days aright
dont let us be so foolish as to  go through life without pondering our own death.  How wasteful to reach that threshold unpreparedwith no offering of wisdom or witness.

Fill us at daybreak with your kindness,
that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days
these are the things not for sale in the marketplace, kindness, joy and gladness.  Best remember to ask early and ask often.

Prosper the work of our hands for us!
Prosper the work of our hands!
Twice means it is important!  Part promise, part plea.  The work of our hands is FILLED with dignity.  In our freedom we can cooperate with the promise and turn potential into something eternal.

Fill us with your love, O Lord

And we will sing for joy!

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Which Audience?

Wednesday of Week 21 in Ordinary Time
Matthew 23:27-32

We hear  ‘Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites’ twice today.  There are seven all together.  In Luke there are four.  I really do like Luke better.  Four is enough for me.  It is too easy with a text like this to be satisfied with pointing a finger at the scribes and pharisees.  But lets be honest, being a hypocrite is sooo easy.

These woes, they are the flip side of the blessings/beatitudes of chapter 5.  And they are addressed to very different audiences.  The question for me is:  Which audience includes me?

My answer:  Not at the same time of course…but definitely both.

I love how vivid Jesus’ description is: 
You are whitewashed tombs…beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and every kind of filth.

I don’t think I let it get me that deep in trouble…that is, my hypocrisy.  But it is there.  The evidence appears whenever my inside and my outside are like trains on opposite tracks…different directions.  I totally know it when I’m doing it.  It is like indigestion.

And it is in direct opposition to today’s collect prayer that asks:
Grant your people
to love what you command and to desire what you promise,
that, amid the uncertainties of this world,
our hearts may be fixed on that place where true gladness is found.

That is the answer to my inside/outside problem.  Put the heart in the lead.  Fix it on that place where true gladness is found and I might find myself, more often than not, in the blessing audience.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Pop Quiz or Invitation?*

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 16:13-20
Homily given at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, New Harmony, IN

Whenever my kids would use the word HATE
I would always counter
Now, sweetheart, Hate is a VERY strong WORD…
I think what you really mean is …

Well, I really mean it…
I HATE teachers who give pop quizzes.

That is how I always heard this Gospel
As Jesus giving the dreaded Pop Quiz

So…I listened again
And I found a different way to read this
One that makes a lot more sense

Certainly Jesus is aware that there is buzz
We’ve had healings, and cryptic parables, miraculous feedings,
and walking on water
There is buzz

And if there is buzz, the disciples are hearing it
And if they are hearing it
They are participating in it too

What is the buzz?
Jesus wonders
And what are you contributing to the buzz?
Not much of a quiz…Jesus is curious.

This passage in Matthew’s Gospel is called
Peter’s Great Confession
“the Christ…the Messiah…the son of the living God!!!”
He gets it right
…With a little divine assistance the text says
Peter is the Rock
But there is…it seems to me
A tinge of humor here
The very next episode
…a little preview of next Sunday’s reading…
the very next move by Peter causes Jesus to say to him:
Talk about strong words!
In an instant the ROCK becomes a STUMBLING BLOCK

So it seems that it isn’t particularly difficult for a person
to get the doctrine spot on…Without knowing what one is really saying! 
That is a Peter I can relate too!

Peter, like us, doesn’t exhibit full knowledge
Good creed, good doctrine…not complete understanding.

No matter how churchy, and theological a doctrine sounds
It wasn’t just thought up…pulled out of the clouds
…it had to begin with an earthy experience
Can it really have relevance or saving power
if it wasn’t first born of human experience???
But not just any human experience…
…an experience of coming face to face with something SUPER-natural?
Something so new that the mind
grapples and grapples and fights to understand?
And eventually after all that grapple and all that fight…
            Finally…it gets expressed in words…albeit limited words

It didn’t begin with a 4th Century ‘Father of the Church’ sitting down
at some 4th Century typewriter

No…it was just people…ordinary people…
            who had known this Jesus of Nazareth
Ordinary people who found themselves different because of knowing him
People who felt something real happening
Something new, and hope-filled, and even unsettling
I remember a line from a book I read a long time ago
I remember nothing else about the book except this line:
“It was impossible to despair in the presence of Jesus”
“It was impossible to despair in the presence of Jesus”

It sounds like a way of talking about that ‘something’

My friends, we are invited to participate alongside these real people
We must find a way in
We must find a way into that experience
The experience behind the doctrine
The experience that gave rise to it

We must…
Because to simply subscribe to a doctrine
(Which is a good thing don’t get me wrong
it is a great resting spot)
But simply to subscribe doesn’t mean that much as an end point

Whoa…it feels a bit ‘IN MY FACE’
The child in me wants to say
‘I don’t have to answer if I don’t want to!’

Not a Pop Quiz
More like the Gospel holding out an invitation
I’m not sure I want to open it…
It is so nice and neatly sealed
in that holy and sacred Bible envelope!

Wait a minute
That invitation is not addressed to me!
…he’s talking to those 1st century disciples…

You hypocrite Cindy!
You scardey cat
You are always preaching about how important it is to enter the text…
to walk around in it…
to identify with various characters…blah blah

Open that INVITATION Cindy!

Because it is the Church’s ancient answer to the question
I am going to use the Apostle’s Creed…
…as my guide
I’ll use it to shape
My RSVP to this invitation.

I believe in God, the Father almighty, 
    creator of heaven and earth; 


This is the easy part.
It’s my Jewishness coming out!
Yep!  I believe in only ONE
The hard part about ONE
Is that it necessarily excludes all the others
So…for starters…that one is not ME!
And it isn’t my favorite movie star
It isn’t the President
It isn’t the one who hates the president the most boistrously
It is not my bank account or my zipcode
That ONE is not the power an addiction
That one is not the seductiveness of sin
That ONE God
The source of all there is
The uncreated one
I call that God LOVE

I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord. 
    He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit 
        and born of the Virgin Mary. 
    He suffered under Pontius Pilate, 
        was crucified, died, and was buried. 
    He descended to the dead. 
    On the third day he rose again. 
    He ascended into heaven, 
        and is seated at the right hand of the Father. 
    He will come again to judge the living and the dead. 


And I believe…I really do believe
That God became a human person
This is the part that is most important to me.
How would I ever figure out how to love God if God remained distant?
Distant, amorphous, vague and out of reach
An idea or concept
Or energy
How can I love energy or concept?
How can a God like that make any kind of demand on me?

A God who is love
Needed to become concretely lovable
In the flesh

You are the one born like me
Fully human
You are the one who became the only model
worth imitating

You are the Christ
The one who reveals God’s very heart
A human heart that both ached and rejoiced
And still does
Aching alongside me when I suffer
Rejoicing alongside me when I rejoice

You are the face of the living God that I encounter whenever I look with the eyes of love and compassion
You are the face of the living God in the neighbor I struggle to forgive
You are the face of the living God that shows me what is actually possible for us men and women
You are the face of the living God in human form
It is all there…in the stories
You are the one who chose to heal rather than ignore
You are the one who chose to feed rather than send the hungry on down the road
You are that one who faced down the demonic
You are the one who didn’t wait for the other to initiate reconciliation
You are the one who breathed mercy
You are the one who rose from the dead showing us that death, and hate and fear…are no ultimate match for the love of God
You, Jesus of Nazareth, are the one I hope to imitate.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, 
    the holy catholic Church, 
    the communion of saints, 
    the forgiveness of sins
    the resurrection of the body, 
    and the life everlasting. Amen.


You are the one now present here
Not in your flesh but through the power of the Holy Spirit
In OUR flesh
You are present and active in this gathering of church
In the communion that knows no time or space
You are present whenever I forgive or am forgiven
You are present in my body
When I was a brand new infant…
Now as a late middle aged grandmother…
And on and on as I age…and through my death
It is through my body that I encounter your presence
My senses, my intuition, my prayer
They are gifts…gateways to knowing you.


That is what I have for now….for today
Certainly incomplete.
But it isn’t made up

It is, in fact, only what I have received
…At least what I have remembered today of what I have received
From my grandmother Jennie
And my father Ed and my mother Jane
And countless unknown saints along the way

It is what has been handed down to me
What I have been taught
Sometimes without me even paying attention
Taught by reciting the tradition in the form of prayer and creed
Taught by stained glass windows and trips to old cathedrals
Taught be the stories of scripture
Without even paying too much attention
This faith is still settling into my bones
It animates my life

But it isn’t until I take that question seriously
That I am moved to gratitude

Wrestling with it
Putting it down on this paper
I wonder…How did this come to me?
How did I end up on the receiving end?
And what is my part in the tradition of ‘handing on?’

To Believe
Is to give over one’s heart

I Believe I will keep trying to do that.
I will keep trying to give over my heart.

It is not a pop quiz
It is an invitation
An invitation
That from time to time
we would do well to open and to RSVP

Our responses will always be partial
But in answering
We will be practicing giving over our hearts

Giving over our hearts

To the one who shares his own