Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Church is Gathered-Acts 4:32-37

We just heard this reading on Sunday and again today…I'll consider it highlighted in neon green!  

...of one heart and mind,
...no one claimed 
...they had everything 
...no needy person among them
...each according to need

It seems that the Church I experience is always being re-gathered.  
Can I just let that be? And, at the same time hold on to this ideal in today's reading?  I am tempted to focus so strongly on all the ways church falls short of this ideal  that I lose sight of the "great power" I profess to be a witness of.

St. Luke pray for us.

"We were created to delight, as God does, in the resident goodness of creation.  We were not made to sit around mumbling incantations and watching our insides to see what creation will do for us."
-Robert Farrar Capon

Thursday, April 9, 2015

That "Name" Thing Again - Acts 3:11-26

...why are you amazed at this,
and why do you look so intently at us
as if we had made him walk by our own power or piety?

Peter later places the power in the name of Jesus.  When I meet someone new, and I am introduced to them by name, I try to connect something with that name.  It is a game I play that helps me remember their name.  But, in a way, as it helps me recall a name, it also helps me recall a presence or better yet, an encounter.  Peter's faith is grounded in a "name."  Jesus is the name.  And with that name is power and presence and being and healing.   There is so much in a name.

The temptation for me is to come in my own name.  When I give in to the temptation I believe that I have the power, the strength, the piety…to make something wonderful happen.  This beginning part of the Acts of the Apostles reminds me over and over again that I am a witness to the power of a name, that is so much more than a name, so much more than my name;) 

"O Lord, how wonderful your name in all the earth!"  Psalm 8:2

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Tuesday - "What shall we do?"

Coming after yesterdays reading of Peter's impassioned Pentecost sermon…and following Acts 2:36 "Therefore let the whole House of Israel know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Messiah, this Jesus whom you crucified!" we hear a "now what" question:  What shall we do? (2:37)

The answer according to Acts has something to do with repenting, forgiving, receiving, witnessing saving, accepting, sharing, breaking, and praising.

But the portrait painted in Acts is about the power of a remnant people.  Those nine activities listed are possible only in the context of an encounter of giving and receiving.  To "do" these things today means that I enter the drama and play whatever part bids me "Come."  I Come...not in my own name but in the name of the one who gathers and makes a people whole. Come…and let's see what happens.

Today is the day the Lord has made…what will I do with it?"

Friday, April 3, 2015

Friday of the Pasch: The Holy Cross

Oppressed and condemned 
he was taken away, 
and who would have thought 
any more of his destiny?"  Isaiah 53:8

And God says:  Sorry peoples,  you’ve been trying all this time to pin this on me.  But it’s been you all along.  This divine anger is nothing other than your continuous, spiraling, tit for tat violence. 

And in response I open my life to take the cruciform path that resists playing that game. Instead, to the degree that my faith allows…and in imitation, I offer to bear even a tiny particle of suffering on behalf of another.

Grant me the riches 
of your grace
that, renewed in Spirit,
I may be able to respond 
to your eternal 
and limitless love.  Italian Sacramentary

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper

What I will miss most this evening while my community celebrates Holy Thursday is singing the Pange Lingua in procession.  The reading of John 13:1-15 and the corresponding liturgy of "foot-washing" that accompanies that proclamation vividly reminds me of the meaning of the meal and the cross.  But it is my bodily participation in that procession that gets at me from the inside out.

I follow.
There is an itinerary.  I connect myself to something ancient…and so anti-modern.  I follow because there is something on the horizon I long for.  I need a map.  Various routes to take but a horizon worth keeping in sight.

I bump up against.
There are others.  I don't know them all.  Some are complete strangers and with a little imagination I sense time and space collapsing.  I sing words from the 13th century and I know new-old companions.  I am so not alone.

I ponder leftovers.
We all ate and drank together.  What leads is leftovers.  The leftovers we honor even more.  So odd.  But eating half of anything always guarantees that half will be left.  There will be plenty.

My prayer tonight... 
That the hospital will be my church community  
That there I will enter a procession…following a path toward a broken world restored  
That I will be wondrously filled with the Word incarnate 
That what passes between me and patient/staff/family goes where the senses cannot lead 
That the night is punctuated with wonder and silence  
That I will learn how to adore