Monday, January 31, 2022

Fulfilled in Our Living*

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (RCL Epiphany 3C)
Sunday of the Word of God
Luke 4:14-21
(homily preached at St Stephen's Episcopal Church, Morning Prayer 1/23/2022)

I Searched…but couldn’t find any trouble in the text!

There is always a bit of trouble! 


But in Today’s gospel

There isn’t any trouble

There’s no trouble because we only get the first half of the story


The trouble…comes next week

When the Golden Boy of Nazareth who wowed everyone

Is going to get run out of town

pushed to the edge of a cliff 



The lectionary sets up for something different

Nehemiah, Psalm 19, and the happy section of the Lukan episode

Are all brilliantly matched up


All three places are examples of scripture talking about scripture

[scripture and interpretation and preaching]


In Nehemiah

The Torah is read and interpreted

“they gave the sense so that the people understood the reading”

And “the people” are center-stage

(mentioned 8 times)

The people hear and understand…and they weep

They recognize themselves as having missed the mark

As not always having been faithful


But the summons is to Joy

Returning to the Lord is cause for joy and celebration


Psalm 19

Is a love song to the Law of the Lord

The Law…God’s loving guidance to God’s people

The Law:

·      Revives the soul

·      Makes wise, the simple

·      Enlightens the eye

·      Endures forever

·      Is altogether righteous

And more:

More desirable than GOLD

Sweeter than HONEY!


This is scripture telling…and singing to us about scripture



TODAY the Gospel is the main attraction

The Gospel text

Goes further in its understanding of what I will call the Event of the Word

The Event of the Word…what we are doing right now!

It is beautifully set up


Imagine being the cinematographer

You are on one of those moving crane-like bucket trucks…the camera is rolling

You can zoom all over to capture the action


You have been zoomed out as Jesus was baptized…catching the river and the crowd

The Spirit descends on the one in whom God is well pleased

The Spirit leads Jesus into the desert where he was tempted

The camera follows...then

“Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit”

Jesus returns to Galilee


And here is where the narrative goes into ‘Real Time”

‘Real Time’ means that the actual happenings that are being narrated

take the same amount of time as the reading does


Approaching Nazareth…zoom in a little further

Entering the Synagogue…a little more

Then the assembly inside fills the screen

Jesus stands making his way to the shtender

The scene gets narrower

Now just Jesus and the Attendant

Now just the scrolls unrolling

Just his arm

Just his hand

Then his finger running down the paper


Aha…found it


His finger stops

He reads


Then the the zooming out begins

He rolls up the scroll

And hands it back

He returns to his seat

All eyes are on him


Do they expect something more?


“Today…Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”


The content of the Isaiah passage is key to the whole of Luke’s Gospel

The great theme of the Gospel is that God sees all of us…everyone…no one is left out

Especially those who live unseen


Choosing this Isaiah passage to inaugurate his adult ministry

Highlights that the Good News is about the business of release

It is about setting people free.


But like Nehemiah 

this Gospel reading is an instance of scripture talking about scripture AND preaching 

Scripture and preaching in the life of the community

The Gospel of Luke adds a nuance to our understanding of the place, function and dynamic of scripture in the life of the community.


“Today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in our hearing”


The grammar in the Greek makes the translation tricky


It isn’t simply the past tense

In the sense of  “Now that’s done…completed…what’s next”


Rather there is a dynamic past-perfect-like feel to it

“Today this scripture is fulfilled

…Continues to be fulfilled

…and will keep being fulfilled”


The implication is that 

All of us 

[3 of 4 Sundays I am sitting where you are]

All of us (the many) and All of us (the whole of us)

our ears, and hearts, and bodies 

are in charge of completing the Event of the Word!

Fulfillment is on us


And that speaks beautifully to the dignity you/we possess as the people of God.



On that 4th Sunday

All I have to offer is my own encounter with the story of God and the person of Jesus whose life is narrated in these sacred scriptures

I invite the Word to change me

And (when I'm at my best) I share that experience using every gift I possess


And the hope is that our gathering and singing and praying and confessing

And FULFILLING nudges us to a deeper life of lived faith.



And what is this faith that hopes to lodge deeper and deeper in us?

That God is with us

That God showed himself perfectly in the person of Jesus

in the events, the words, the deeds of his life

that the mystery of God is revealed 

in the manger, 

on the cross, 

at the empty tomb, 

as we gaze at the Ascension, 

experience the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, 

and walk with him on the road to Emmaeus.


And according to Luke

Jesus’ choice of scripture for his inaugural sermon 

sets the theme for the whole of the Gospel

According to today’s Gospel

The epiphany in today’s Gospel

Is that

The best way for this faith to work its way deeper and deeper in us

Is to live and love in such a way that 

We participate in

Releasing people from captivity

in setting people free

Even ourselves

Free from sin

Free from greed and envy and murderous thoughts!

And we can do this

like Jesus

only in the power of the Holy Spirit

Jesus’ power…Authentic Christian power

Is power only when it sets others free


The releasing has begun

And is assured

We are not alone in it

It was/is/and continues to be fulfilled



We all need release

Everyone needs release…the World needs release

What from? Well…I suppose it is different for each of us

That is the fulfillment part!



I hold all my worry and tension in my shoulders

Release for me is like taking a deep breath 

and when I exhale my shoulders relax and I can stand up straight and relaxed.

Rob released me this morning when he accepted my “I’m sorry” (long story)

I felt release when I thinned out our coat closet and took 7 little-used coats to the homeless shelter


When do you feel release?




For this homily

To be fulfilled in our hearing

We might live with this question close to mind this week

The question of our participation in releasing and setting free

If we pay attention

We will notice the times when something we say or do 

Someone we touch or hug

is truly an act of release

(…my guess is that there will be quite a few)


And the surprise gift of this noticing

Is that it fills us with JOY

Which makes us want more JOY

Which causes us to simultaneously notice the times when we

…metaphorically speaking 

Ignored the captivity that surrounds us in friend and stranger alike


Jesus’ agenda

Echoed in the words of the prophet Isaiah

Is our agenda too

When we come here we confirm that with our many Amens 


So here’s the Challenge for all of us:

-pick one fellow St Stephens-ite-person

And before next Sunday, tell that person 

how The Gospel was fulfilled in your living 


And in doing so we will have fulfilled 


Event of the Word

...In our living