Monday, March 27, 2017

Prior to Praising

Monday of the 4th Week of Lent
Psalm 30 
(paul inwood composition of the psalm)

I will praise you Lord
You have rescued me
I will praise you Lord…for your Mercy
I will praise you Lord
You have rescued me
I. Will. Praise. You. Lord.

There is something about this musical setting of Psalm 30
There is something about the music
That conveys the repetitive and predictive nature of the subject

I don’t mean the praising
And I don’t mean the Mercy that gives cause for the praise

It is still Lent
So I’m thinking about all that keeps giving cause for the Mercy…

I keep needing rescue!

One of the things the Psalm speaks to is this
Going down
Going down into the pit
…What are my pits?

Lately, for me, it has been the temptation to cynicism and a kind of chic despair
The Holy Spirit
Working through spittle and clay
Through neighbors and friends
Through sickness and health
Through infants and great grand parents
Through mountains, beaches, and waves
Through it all
God relentlessly works to rescue me from myself

On the bright side
If I keep needing rescue
That does mean that I keep getting rescued

Maybe I am getting good at being rescued
Maybe ready to be on the ‘rescuing’ end of things…surely;)

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Not Today

Thursday of the 3rd Week of Lent
Jeremiah 7:23-28
Psalm 95
If today you hear God's voice, 
Harden not your heart.

In Jeremiah today we hear
Listen to my voice
Walk in my ways

But there is a stubborn hardness of heart
The people can’t hear
They are stopped in their tracks

“This is the nation 
that does not listen 
to the voice of the Lord, its God, 
or take correction. 
Faithfulness  has disappeared;
the word itself is banished from their speech”


And in Psalm 95
The psalmist prays for receptiveness
Bowing and kneeling are signs of an open heart
Oh, that today
I would hear God’s voice

It is 4 in the afternoon
It is getting late
I best listen attentively before this day passes me by
I have yet the opportunity to take a few steps
to walk in God’s pathway


Sunday, March 19, 2017

A Different Point of View

4th Sunday of Lent
John 4:5-42
The Woman at the Well
(an exercise in first person character preaching)

You just heard it…
Or did you?
Perhaps you’ve just heard what you have been trained to hear…
Filling in all the gaps in the story with what you’ve been taught since you started coloring pictures of me at the well in Sunday school

Brain-washing that’s what it is…
It has taken over your Christian imagination!!!

So how about you try real hard to listen as I set a few things straight

First of all…
I would go to that well in the scorching heat ANYDAY
Over having to cross paths with those judgy, prissy, self-righteous hippocrites!  And you might be just as bad…whose to say.

See…what they saw in me…
Was an easy convenient place to heap a ton of lies…
and saunter off with their nudge-nudge-wink-winks

Well…I finally say…go ahead
if that’s what it takes for you to feel good about yourselves
…piss on you

And this husband thing…
There isn’t some big sexual scandal here…
But juicy gossip is so very tantalizing!!!
The 1st two…
Before I was 18
Divorced me
…got impatient when I didn’t conceive right away…
CRUEL…that’s what they were…
But they talked it up around town that I burnt the dinner night after night…look at me…
does it look like I miss any good meals!

Then Josiah
The love of my life
Laughter, and music, joy…
And then I was pregnant.  What a different time it was around the well then…
OH how quickly things can change
The accident…Josiah was a builder
A roof fell on him…It was an accident
that's what they say
he died
I was so possessed by grief
didn’t even notice the labor pains…
Couldn't feel anything but grief
just a few hours she lived…that’s all.

Then the rumors began in earnest
I must be cursed…
I get it from 1st century folks
But NOT you all!
You should know better

Things went from bad to worse
It was a blurr…grief…two years…blurr blurr…grief blurr
Ever been there?

Then I slowly got myself back together…
And YES…I’m a concubine…he’s a good man…a Greek
Travels through twice a year on business…
really its nice…perfect really
I feel safe…I feel quite free actually
I know I don’t look so good on paper
But…really…that’s a problem for you…not me
And so I keep to myself…
I’m too tired to fight for a place at the morning well
It’s my life…I come to the well at noon
It works for me

I was shocked when this Jesus man talked to me and asked me for a drink…
It just doesn’t happen
Jewish man…Samaritain woman
On so so many levels…it just doesn’t happen
And YES…I was a bit sassy
I’m a little gun shy with men…there was no one around
I thought…hey, I can dish it out…its my defense mechanism
And…when he started talking all weird and creepy
I was only half listening…
But then…
I thought…this could be fun…engage this man

And then…
when He spoke my story
I knew…I knew
This guy is different
but I was so frazzled so confused
So uncomfortable
You know what I mean???
I just changed the subject…about places of worship
As if that is what would interest this man???

But this man stayed with me…
Followed my lead…giving me time to come to myself

And then he put his hands on my face
He held my face…oh so tenderly
He did, he touched me, I know it doesn’t say it in the text…
But…think of who wrote it???

My face
He Held it
As a treasure

The men returned
They were caught off guard and couldn’t hold back their snide gazes
But I didn’t care
HE didn’t care
They couldn’t break the moment…truth and life…
…can’t break that

I went
Called the community
I must have changed
They listened to me!
And, they too went in search of him.

And what I learned later
Just drove the ball outta the park
Guess where he had just been?

With that
Well-known, squeaky clean, high and mighty Nicodemus
And this Jesus didn’t go seeking him out like he did me
It was Nicodemus doing the seeking
Go figure…He seeks him out and then he doesn’t listen.
He’s probably still sitting there in his lazy-boy…
Contemplating meaning…praying over words…feeling all important.

Word on the street is that Jesus
Sought me out
From his point of view I was a kind of Divine Appointment…
You wanna know  something?
…he never talked to anyone as long as he talked to me!!!

I’m really someone! 
And when you’re someone

you can’t help but go and tell everyone all about it!!!

Reta Halteman Finger, “Man Meets Woman at a Well – John 4:1-42

“The Samaritain Woman Tale Revisited”