Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Object of the Game Is...

Saturday of the 34th Week of Ordinary Time

Luke's prophetic discourse continues and unlike Mark and Matthew, the Lukan Jesus has more general advice.  This community of disciples…which now includes me…is a long-haul community.  No need to get into specifics or time-tables.  

The general exhortation relates to distraction.  What could be more universal and timeless?  It isn't just a matter of staying alert and attentive…but what is the object of the alertness?  The proper object makes all the difference.  It is love, healing, peace, hope.  It is God and God's creation---everything that is true and beautiful and good---that is the antidote for my endless distractions that bid me into a game called "Famished Craving"...A game where I keep trying to get more of what I really don't need; more of what will never satisfy; a more that has no real object…just more. 

You have made us for yourself,
O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.

St. Augustine, The Confessions

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Bring out the Silver

Wednesday the 34th Week in Ordinary Time

It sounds like Thanksgiving and the King wants to bring out the best silver! 

Daniel, at the king's request, helps interpret the "handwriting on the wall." Is there something in this vivid judgment scene that speaks to me?  My loose and self-referential translation:

MENE:  "God's got my number"
There is no hiding my real motives!  I can fool myself but not God!

TEKEL:  "God has the right answers to the test"
Best not wait to the last minute…best not rely on my ability to wing it.

PERES:  "God's plan WILL unfold"
I have a role…I want to be in the program!

Monday, November 23, 2015


Monday of Week 34 in Ordinary Time
Blessed Miguel Pro

He was born in Mexico, grew up in a mining community, and became a Jesuit.  He studied in Belgium and Spain but eventually returned to A Mexico where the church was being severely persecuted.  Pro worked underground and was eventually falsely accused of an assassination attempt and executed without trial.

The part of the story that has always captured my imagination was about the photograph.  It was taken just as he was being executed by firing squad, with his hands orans and his mouth proclaiming “Viva Cristo Rey”.

When the powers that be circulated the photograph to intimidate and instill fear, the opposite unfolded.  Essentially the photo was a crucifix.  It inspired faith and love and imitation…not fear. 

“But what is my life?  Would I not gain it if I lost it for my brothers and sisters?  True, we do not have to give it away stupidly.  But what are sons of Loyola for if they flee at the first flare up.” 
Blessed Miguel Pro, SJ

An appropriate remembrance this Monday after the Feast of Christ the King.

Blessed Miguel Pray for Me!

Friday, November 20, 2015


Friday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time

Today is the feast day of Saint Edmund who died in 869.  Like many venerated saints-martyrs, his remains (and the life they lived) inspired and animated a new community.  We human beings like stuff we can touch, see, and connect with.  Is that why relics have such power over the imagination? 

Saint Edmund had a body and a life…just like I do.
He walked, and talked, and loved, and grieved
…just I like I do.

Taking the incarnation as far as it can go…we arrive at the possibility for a saintly existence…for everyone.  Our stuff, is in fact NOT, a barrier...but rather the raw material of our holiness.

In the Gospel today the stuff is the Temple.  It is lifeless stuff.  The Church, the Communion of Saints, the Body of Christ cannot be held in stuff that isn't made in the image and likeness of God.  It can't be held in stones.  Stones can be icons…for sure, but giving the work of holiness to what is Temple-like is a cop out.  It is just too UNMESSY.  Incarnation = MESSY!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

If Only...

Thursday of Week 33 in Ordinary Time
If you only knew what makes for peace…

The crowds are drunk on their own notions of what a Messiah looks like in action.  They are calling him "King" and, well, in Jesus' words:  If you only knew!!!

The cross looms.
Where will the staying power come from?
What are the building blocks for peace that are within my grasp?

Oh that I may I recognize and see what makes for peace.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Wednesday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time
Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul
Luke 19:11-28

Kingdom language is tough for this 21st Century reader!  And this is a tough parable for me to grasp.  

My best grappling gives me a parable about what makes for a successful kingdom.  You want the best and most competent folks in the right places.  As part of Luke's unfolding narrative, the story may be a corrective to thoughts that Jesus' entry into Jerusalem means that the end is near.  The Gospel of Luke is  the long-haul gospel.  Which makes sense.  It is the latest Gospel written.  It is the heaviest on prayer and the Holy Spirit…both "long haul" needs.  The Lukan Jesus is telling us "to wait patiently for the final appearance of Jesus and to deal faithfully with our possessions in the meantime." (Sacra Pagina p293)

Here we are 
Still in the meantime
Still relying on Prayer and the Holy Spirit
Getting ready once again to ADVENT
…to advent in ourselves and in our world 
a crisper and more discernible 
sign of the Kingdom Coming...