Sunday, November 15, 2015

What is Up?*

Proper 28
1 Samuel 1:4-20
Mark 13:1-8

This Summer
My family and a few close friends gathered
To celebrate my mother’s 80th birthday
My mother is incredibly sharp at 80
She still beats me at any and every skill based card game
Or any game that has to do with words
Building words, finding words, spelling words…
Bottom line:
She has an AW-INSPIRING and enviable 80 year old brain

At some point in the party I found myself
in the middle of a conversation group
sharing the incredibleness of the muscle that is my mother’s brain
And as soon as I used the word MUSCLE
Out of left field
my “know-it-all” doctor brother
Began to give a lecture about the brain,
what it is and how it is MOST CERTAINLY
NOT a muscle!

I wanted to say
But my bother can be very captivating

This is why I feel a certain kinship
With that disciple in today’s Gospel
He’s having a similar experience of being misunderstood

“Look teacher…What large stones and what a large building!!!”
The stones were big…the building was AWE-inspiring
And then Jesus, who seemingly, out of left field,
Usurps the conversation and
begins talking of wars, and famines, and earthquakes!

SO…What is up?

In sympathy with that disciple
I’ve been asking
What brings me to the point of AWE? 
A few recent ones for me:
…ancient trees over 1,000 years old…
take your breath away AWE!
…that perfect bite…that perfect balance of savory and sweet…
I don’t swallow…AWE!
…being in Chicago and looking up and knowing that the toilet on the 108th floor actually flushes…
frozen at the thought AWE!

And then there are the
Big and old and complicated…things…for a lack of a better word
That bring about another kind of AWE in me
A comforting AWE
An AWE that makes me feel safe and secure
An Awe that gives me a sense of order

I would place my religious heritage in that category.
The gift of my faith
And perhaps my national citizenship as well.
My being an American
These things ground me.  They give me an identity.

There is still another kind of AWE that I am familiar with
An AWE born of FEAR
It happened this week-end
As the horrific story
Unfolded from Paris
I was quickly consumed
And gut-wrenched
I found myself wrapped me up in Fearsome AWE
at how miserable and sick
We human beings can be

But no matter the source of my AWE
There is always an accompanying FROZENNESS
Sometimes short lived  
othertimes downright debilitating

So when our Gomer-Pyle-like disciple…
…perhaps a newcomer to the big city
turned back
took a last look at that 36 acre Temple complex
A building and stones that testified to HIS people’s love of God
When he turned and saw…what was surely WAY TOO BIG TO FAIL
He froze a moment

“GOOOOLLY…That is sumpin’ else

Why was Jesus so UNIMPRESSED
with what seems so obviously impressive?
And why does he get all
creepy and cryptic and apocalyptic right then??
If NOT the Temple
What DOES inspire AWE in Jesus?

I went looking for an answer
And I found some clues
The Gospel of Mark is pretty anti-temple
Mark is writing at a time after
the actual Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD
A destruction… historians tell us
that was accompanied by
slaughter and rape and pillaging
…a very traumatic event for Mark’s Community
….And it was still fresh in the community’s memory

2 chapters ago Jesus was in the Temple
            and threw out the money-changers
1 chapter ago…Jesus condemns the Temple’s long-robed,
            honor seeking, lengthy prayer reciting, Scribes…
And a few verses before today’s text
We have Jesus in the Temple
This time
According to Mark
Jesus is Close to the treasury
            …Mark is clear to say
            …He’s watching all the large sums being tithed
and Jesus responds in Awe
Not to them
But to the poor widow
and her two small coins
the gift of her whole livelihood.

What Jesus finds awe-inspiring
            Is the unexpected reversal….
He notices the un-noticable
And then it is forever noticed.

I think we can fit Hannah in here too.
She fits into this reversal well
In my imagination Hannah is great great great grand mother to our unnamed widow
Hannah has a very insecure future…
            Ancient World-No Son-No Security
            She’s Unimpressed
                        by simply being a “favorite”   (Elkanah)
            She’s Abused by her sister-wife  (Penninah)
            And She’s not going to allow a judgy priest to                                                                mistake genuine prayer - for drunkenness!
Hannah is the subject of an Awe-Inspiring reversal
The Priest ELI…and his greedy and conniving priest-sons
            Will Get their just desserts…stay tuned.
But Hannah, in a surprising reversal,
ushers in new era of Israelite history

In the Book of Samuel (1Samuel 1:4-20)
We are given Hannah
Whose prayer is so real, and passionate and unfrozen
that she seems drunk
Hannah… whose life unfolds most unexpectedly.

And In the Gospel
We meet Jesus
… so unimpressed with the Temple
            With major donors
            With long scripted recited prayers
… but so clearly impressed with
            a widow and her two small coins

So when Jesus starts all the scary and mysterious talk
The “apocalyptic” talk of wars, and earthquakes and famines
            (the stuff of our nightly NEWS)
He’s revealing something to us.
(that is what apocalypse means)
After all the dramatic descriptions
What DOES he say????

“Do not be alarmed”
When I first read it
I’m like…really Jesus…that’s all you have!!!
This is one of those instances
where I would love to hear his actual voice delivering this line!
I bet it was thick, and commanding, and thoroughly emphatic!

Jesus is not in awe!
He’s not impressed!
He’s not going to be frozen! 
Here’s what I believe Jesus is telling us:

Watch out for Temples and the like
Be careful about what inspires AWE in you
            And what that Awe produces in you
And When you are faced with the reality
of large-scale human or planetary suffering
When you find yourself debilitated by fear induced FROZENNESS          
Don’t succumb to despair
Don’t stay in the frozenness
Don't make frozenness your home.

Jesus says,
I’m telling you
You have AWE inspiring potential!!!
You really are an important part
of this kingdom-thing

My friends
Is that
…what is Awe-inspiring to God
Is each one of us
With our two coins
And our passionate and un-drunken prayer
Doing our daily bit, together,  
to love God and love our neighbor

For the life of the World!

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