Thursday, December 29, 2016

Being Tethered

5th Day Within the Octave of Christmas
(optional commemoration of Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop Martyr)
1 John 2:3-11

“This is the way we know that we are in union with him:
whoever claims to abide in him ought to walk just as he walked.”

I have been spending some time with my parents this Christmas.  My mother spends much of her time in bed as she is suffering from COPD and is tethered to a lifeline of oxygen.  The oxygen is new and seeing that green plastic ‘leash’ took me back when I first arrived.  In the hospital I see this life saving oxygen all the time.  But in a home…in the real world of a person’s life…it is startling. 

The fear of power outages, or a leak in the hose, or that my Dad won’t hear her call for help…all these things weigh heavy on her.   Joviality is scarce.

The first Letter of John loves the metaphor God is light.  But it might as well be God is breath…God is oxygen.  It is certainly so for my Mom who is literally tethered for life.  For me also.  To the extent that I want to abide in Christ…being tethered is a good idea:
to walk as he walked…
I walk with grace, confidence and ease 
knowing that I am never alone,
I am tethered to the Father
to walk where he walked…
I walk toward the suffering of others 
so as to participate in healing,
I push on through each of my own sufferings 
toward promised resurrection
to walk how he walked…
I walk with openness, grace, and ease
…at a pace willing to stop

To abide in Christ is a “with every breath I take” kind of life. 

My new visual cue is that green plastic tubing which sustains my mother’s life in this world.  But after I leave here, I’ll have to remember on my own!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

an economy of words...

Tuesday of the 4th Week of Advent
O Key of David

…child, it lies
within your power of choosing to
conceive the Child who chooses you.

From Since Adam, W. H. Auden:
Collected Poems, Edward Mendelson, ed. 1972

What an economy of words to capture these Advent days
My power of choosing…
One very good reason
for at least some form of morning prayer
To remind myself
that I do indeed possess that power
And that I ought not
Without deliberation
Hand it over to the first person, place or thing
…that will gladly take it

These alternative verses by Barbara Lundblad make for good prayer;)

O come, O come, Immanuel
And bless each place your people dwell.
Melt ev’ry weapon crafted for war,
Bring peace upon the earth forever more.


O come green shoot of Jesse, free
Your people from despair and apathy;
Forge justice for the poor and the meek,
Grant safety for the young ones and the week.  Refrain

O come now, living water pour your grace,
And bring new life to every wither’d place;
Speak comfort to each trembling heart,
“Be strong! Fear not, for I will ne’er depart.”  Refrain

O come, dear child of Mary, come,
God’s word made flesh within our earthly home.
Love stir within the womb of night,
Revenge and hatred put to flight.  Refrain

for Barbara Lunblad’s “Image Sermons"

Sunday, December 18, 2016

A Father and A Son*

4th Sunday of Advent

I have to admit
When it comes to the story of Jesus’ birth
I’m a Mary Girl

I recall the annunciation
the angel Gabriel visiting Mary
Announcing that she is the favored one

And her response
Let it be it done unto me according to your word
I am forever challenged and stunned by her YES

I think of the visitation
Of Mary going off to see Elizabeth
The two miraculously pregnant women sharing their joy

And of course
I picture Mary and Joseph and the donkey
wandering from inn to inn in search of welcome
and of course
The star
The stable
The manger
The swaddling clothes
The shepherds
The gloria

But here we are
It is year A
And I have to admit
I have rarely given Joseph a second thought

And I could do that
I could just say NO when the lectionary
Tells me it is year A

But now…I now have an obligation to engage Joseph
And his dreams
And his angst
I have an obligation to imagine the event of Jesus’ birth
From his perspective

And it is funny
It turns out to be a very timely year for that imagining

With a pregnant daughter in law due in March
And a pregnant daughter due in June
I find myself more cautious...more realistic
I feel the tension
of to-be mothers and fathers
Am I ready
Will my body sustain this pregnancy
how will I balance work and family
and all those do's and don'ts

And so it is comforting
Matthew's picture of utter normalcy...
Surely every birth...while wonderful and miraculous
has a complexity, and confusion, and frailty of its own

WHAT IS exceptional is
that God-With-Us 
means the normal...the earthy...the unexceptional
is exactly where God chooses to dwell
and not only to dwell 
but to love us into God's very being
normalcy is where God chooses to draw near to us

Besides those two coming grandchildren
Our almost 18 year old son Joseph
Will hopefully be off to Purdue next Fall
And for the first time Rob and I will be empty nesters
And that also involves a certain tension and angst

It is still Advent
And so we are listening with Advent tension
To Matthew’s story of Jesus birth

It is a concise story indeed
In fact it is pretty well captured in one line:
When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child from the Holy Spirit.

There is turmoil in the Holy Family
The potential for prime time, reality TV worthy, high drama is obvious.
But that story line doesn’t get a nibble

We learn that Joseph is a righteous man.
That means he seeks to live according to the law.
The law gives two options
Public stoning or divorce

Let’s grant Joseph his distress
His sense of betrayal
And a host of other all-too-human emotions
Because Mary and Joseph
are more than pious statues or pictures from holy cards
They are flesh and blood people
Like us
And if we can imagine them like us
Well…that makes it easier to imagine
How WE might be like them!

And so Joseph chooses carefully
He hopes to keep shame and pain at a minimum
It will be tricky
He will divorce her quietly
He must have deduced that she was unfaithful to him
What else would he think?
I mean she said it was the Holy Spirit but…C’mon…

If we want to learn something from Joseph
It won’t be from what he says
He never says anything

It is how he listens
And what he does
That speaks and teaches

Throughout the next chapter
We will hear about Joseph and his dreams
There is a history of scriptural Josephs having dreams
And these are dreams that I would call 'intense prayer experiences!'
God communicates to Joseph through these dreams

This is how Joseph comes to peace

In the dream Joseph's Law-Structured world
...perfectly legitimate Law-Structured world
is pried open to allow nuance
to allow for NOT having all the information
open to the possibility that the Holy Spirit really might be involved here

Joseph's dream is powerful enough
He will take Mary as his wife 
and the child as his own

These powerful dreams continue
This is how Joseph learns
to slip down to Egypt to foil Herod’s genocidal plan
This is how he learns that the coast is clear
and he can bring his family back
This how he learns
to steer clear of Bethlehem
and to settle in Nazareth

It all happens quite matter of factly in the story
But isn't it a tough task
To pick up on a new dream?
Don’t I have to be willing to let go of the old one first?
From what I can tell Joseph didn’t have a lot of time
He must have been holding his dreams lightly
No clenched fists 

Joseph had to abandon the old dream first
But he also had to embrace a new one
A dream beyond his comprehension

And suddenly I am imaging this man
He is a worthy hero for me
...and all of us who love to plan ahead with meticulous detail!

I have been very deliberate lately
About finding opportunities to tell Joseph things I want him to know
Things I can’t be certain I ever said
Or things I may have said over and over again but I’m not sure he heard
I want Joseph…my soon to be 18 year old Joseph…
To know why I care about the things I care about
Why the law of love will serve him best
Why forgiveness and reconciliation are worth the effort
Why it is important to be humble enough to know what you don’t know
Why changing your mind is a sign of growth
Why sex is dangerous and beautiful
Why, like Joseph, our certainties can't be the whole truth
There must always be room for the Holy Spirit

I have had 18 years
But I can’t remember what I’ve left unsaid
I didn’t think to make a list

I have imagined St. Joseph
in his carpentry shop with Jesus
Maybe he’s 18
And getting ready to be off on his own
And maybe Joseph isn’t sure he has shared enough
about the important experiences of living and loving

I especially wonder about how he would tell the story of his birth
And how it changed his life

Now Remember, Jesus
No matter what you are doing
Leave a little room
...maybe it is an empty bowl
Leave a little room
for the power of the holy Spirit
to find a home

In my experience
it is prayer
that does the clearing
but my judging
fills it back up quickly
Feeling certain is a clue that the mind and heart have become lazy
Go real slow then
There is always more and it won't be coming from you
Judgement and certainty live in the world of either/or
trust me there is always more

leads to disgracing another
The law is a tool
it needs a person to use it wisely
it is a tool to create and craft 
not to smash or destroy

Find a way, son
Find a way to honor the law 
and honor the person, who
in our limited understanding,
has broken it

This is not easy
But when you do
there is a chance for
people to change...and the deepest change will be in you.
Love takes the beam out of your own eye.
It does not focus on the splinters in the eyes of others.

Once something happened
and I was tempted to judge and punish.
But I held back and waited,
and in the waiting, 
room was made for the Holy Spirit

Your mother and you were there—
It was a dream...a prayer-dream

The beam was taken out of my eye
I could see farther and more deeply.

So see everything twice, Jesus.
See it once with the physical eye
and then see it again with the eye of the heart.

Look deeper.

When you see the loveliness, Jesus, embrace it.
Take it into your home.
Do not hesitate and do not ask questions.
Argue with everything else, Jesus, but be obedient to love.[1]

[1] Adapted from the story by John Shea in, “Spiritual Wisdom of the Gospels, Year A”, On Earth as It Is in Heaven, Liturgical Press, Collegeville MN, 2004, 47-48...a very opportune find!