Wednesday, March 25, 2020

No But's About It!

4th Sunday of Lent
John 9:1-41

“You know…that man…the one over there…the one called Jesus”

This is how I imagine the response the newly sighted man gave to his neighbors in the story narrated in John 9:1-41. A bit further in the story, when answering the Pharisees, he calls Jesus a prophet. And by the end of the story, we might even call him a theologian as he steps in to defend Jesus and give glory to God.

The newly sighted man has gone through all the stages in the RCIA process in one episode!

What he has is the kind of sight that can take in the broad view of things. He won’t get caught in arguments that don’t seek true understanding. 

All I know is that I was blind and now I see. 
Let’s work backward from there. 
Let’s presume that such a marvelous happening is a very good thing.

There is a signal, in my language, that I must listen for.

When I say YES and then BUT
I really mean NO, BECAUSE

It is a false YES
It is a YES to something I have already stopped listening to
It is a YES that says “just skip to the end and let me tell you why you are so wrong”
It is a YES, that…well, really means NO!

The man says he was blind, and now he sees
Yes…but was it the Sabbath?
Yes…but are you a sinner?
Yes…but are your parents sinners?

The man born blind has the kind of sight I want
The kind that leads to Glorifying God
No YES…BUT’s  about it

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