Sunday, June 12, 2022

Motion and Commotion Trinity Sunday


(Our job today is to make that exciting!)

Romans 5:1-5

John 16:12-15


The readings for today are the ones that the lectionary

Chose to fit this feast Day of the Holy Trinity


And there is a lot of motion in them 

From Paul

There is peace…God’s peace

Moving through Jesus Christ

There is sharing the Glory of God

Glory of God meaning the presence of God

And God’s Love on the move

Being poured into our hearts

THROUGH the Holy Spirit


From Paul…Lots of motion


From the Gospel of John

Spirit of truth coming


Not speaking on his own but as the link to God

The Spirit will glorify me

Which means…The Holy Spirit will make visible the presence of God 


to you… (those bewildered disciples)

AND TO all of us


lots of motion in these readings


And this isn’t surprising

Because our base metaphor for God is LOVE

Which is something that this community holds to strongly

I noticed this morning that your statement of “Who We Are”says

We believe in the unifying message that ‘God is Love’…heads, hearts, hands for Christ in service and celebration”


The Christian tradition keeps reaching for ways to talk about God

The Gospel of John is a good example  the Gospel of John

John is vivid and deliberate in stacking image upon image

And so between chapter 6 and chapter 15

he uses 7 ‘I AM’ statements familiar to everyone here:

I am the bread of life

I am the light of the world

I am the gate, protector of the sheep

I am the resurrection and the life

I am the good shepherd

I am the way, the truth, and the life

I am the vine 


But there's never enough

After all…we are talking about GOD

…the throbbing heart at the center of the Universe! 


Today’s text from Ch 16

Comes from Jesus’ farewell discourse

For 5 chapters Jesus is saying goodbye

As he offers comfort and instruction and finally the promise of the Holy Spirit

He returns to LOVE “The Father had Loved me as I have loved you”

He returns to the base metaphor introduced in Chapter 4

“God is Love, and all who live in love live in God and God lives in them.”


The best…the least incomplete thing we can say about God

(…if not the most concrete)

Is that God is Love

And love is in motion


Why do we have this doctrine of the Holy Trinity?

Not because of 5th century deep thinkers had a lot of time on their hands

That's not how tradition works

No…The Trinity comes directly out of the Church’s experience 

of the presence  of God in Christ..

palpable…in the gut…experience


And the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is the Church’s way

Of describing the BREADTH

The WIDENESS of God’s visibleness!

It’s the Church’s way of describing an ongoing relationship with the LIVING GOD.


We don’t come here 

to worship a guy who walked around the ancient near east 2k years ago


No, that’s not who we are. 

We believe that the Risen Christ is present…

In the world

In our neighbor

In this assembly

In our own hearts and lives


And this presence…full of movement

In and of and through 



So today we highlight the Trinity

That image of 

God in motion

God that is an energetic ball of giving and receiving love


The Church highlights this

As. it. Asks. Us.

To be faithful

To be faithful in our living

It asks us to live in imitation of the God of Jesus Christ

To live in love and relationship and communion


It is sooooooooo abstract

Isn’t it?



The real question is 

What does this look like!

A while ago, 6 months…maybe a year

I took a screen shot of a blessing that I saw posted on some website.

I end up with a bunch of these “screenshots” 

cluttering up my desktop 

eventually I’ll come back 

and either name them and put them in a folder or trash them


Anyway, I opened it a couple days ago…I read it…and I thought

This is what it looks like

This is an example of what the Holy Trinity looks like 

at work

in the world 

through a person


As I googled around to find out who the author was (so I could use it and credit him)

I ended up at the blogsite of Rev. Dean Baker, 

an episcopal priest…from somewhere west of here


And the story behind the blessing made it even more perfect for today


Dean Baker is 60…

He tells of dropping of his young son at West Point 

He calls him his “Captain America” son

And the next day his older daughter

Who he describes as 

“my amazing hippie, dread-locked, tattooed, I’m more of a Buddhist” daughter

His daughter, who he delights in, asked him and his wife to go with her to BURNING MAN

[I had to look it up…Burning man seems to be a weeklong Woodstock + Art Fair of thousands of people in the desert where you have to pack everything you need to survive…google it;)]


Apparently, it’s not an art fair where you buy and sell your wares…

the whole experience is about sharing. 

So, Rev Baker wondered what he might be able to share in this sharing economy

He thought “I’m not an artist or a musician…what do I have to share?”

And it turned out to be this blessing which he printed on little business cards along with his temporary BM-Hut-Address (apparently there are addresses)

The cards…and some holy water;)



Here is the blessing:


May your eyes be so blessed you see God in everyone

Your ears, so you hear the cry of the poor

Your hands, so everything you give

And everything you receive,

Is a sacrament

And your feet, so you run to those who need you.

May your heart be so opened

So set on fire

That your love

YOUR love,

Changes everything.



There has been a lot of motion or should I say commotion in my head of late

·      I was in Denver visiting a daughter and a son…and the homelessness

The blocks of tents and garbage…

·      And The never-ending nature of parenting

·      Then there is The reversal that makes me a parent to my father

·      And how about…47 school shootings so far in 2022

Lots of commotion


And then 

this blessing

This blessing that INVITES me see it all differently

Instead of my litany of commotion

This blessing is asking me to see opportunities to participate in Love

Opportunities to participate in healing 

To participate either by offering my own brokenness up for healing

Or by inviting another into God’s healing.


Giver, Receiver

Healer, or in need of healing

Love-in-motion really is the answer


For Rev Baker it was made concrete on a business card printed with this blessing, an address where he he could be found, and bottle of holy water.


But the opportunities to participate

To invite another into the love of God in motion in us and among us

are daily and endless


This idea of participation

got me thinking

How does it work?

Are we in Christ

or is Christ in us?


It is both…it has to be both

It is the rhythm of Christian life

When we gather

We are gathered by the Holy Spirit into Christ

Here…Together…We are his body…we are in Christ

Giving praise and thanksgiving to God



When we leave

We take Christ in us out to the world 

NOT the whole Christ…Thank God

But that which is given to us to share


It is like breathing and breathing out


And this is how we are invited to participate 

in that energetic ball of giving and receiving love

That we name the Holy Trinity…God who is love.


How are we doing?

That's the next question...

How are we doing?


What gets in our way…what are our stumbling blocks?

Is it pride, having all the answers…needing little from anyone?  

Is it envy, that causes us to live by comparison and results in a life of ‘over-against”?

Is it wrath, which keeps our arms folded in anger and resentment?

I pick in these three of the seven deadly sins because 

They’re the ones that sneak up on me with a certain regularity

My guess is that yours are just as familiar to you;)


Whatever our weaknesses

This gathering place is a place to breathe in

To breathe in The Holy Spirit

Here is a place to offer up what needs healing in us 

Both individually and as a community

Here is a place to remember our place in the body of Christ


And from here 

To heal and bless in Christ’s name

Remaining open to being healed and blessed along the way


The rhythm of Christian life

Testifies to the fact that we are always a work in progress

This side of eternal life

We need each other

We need God

Father, Son and Holy Spirit!




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