Monday, April 17, 2023

"Owing Nothing But Love" sticks

Retreat Morning Prayer Homily
February 7, 2023
Romans 13:11-14

It was the late 90’s

The course was called:



It was a great class…got me all hyped up on PAUL


So, naturally, I took all that HYPE to my Pastor, Fr Steve

And I asked him “Why doesn’t anybody ever preach Paul?” 

(that was my passive-aggressive way of asking him why HE never preached Paul)


And he said…

“Well…for starters, A 7 minute homily just won’t do for Paul

No…no…Paul needs at least a Seminar!”


This morning though

Because I exegeted this Assembly so, so carefully

And I know that all of you have already had that seminar

Some of you 5x over

SO…here…a homilette will do;)



Just before this morning’s few verses

Paul upends our notion of OBLIGATION

Just pay taxes to whom taxes are OWED

…respect who is DUE respect

…honor who DESERVES honor.


And then there is an “About-Face” 

A complete change…like Paul is speaking a foreign language

The language is Christian

“Owe no one anything, except love”

He is no longer talking about taxes, and bills, and respect, and honor

Owe nothing except love…


It’s a debt that can never be settled!


And so Paul is inviting the Christian community to be on the offense when it comes to

…in seeking the good of the neighbor.





This mystical Pauline move 

from Obligation to Love

It’s so hard

I think we humans are just hard-wired to speak the language of  

obligation and deserving and balancing the scales


But Paul has some help for us

He’s the guy who uses the language of 

Groaning…and birth pangs)


He’s keenly aware that we are living in the meantime

…And this makes PAUL passionate about helping the Christian Community 

The BODY OF CHRIST of Rome…and US

for the long haul


The Body of Christ …Paul’s stickiest image of the Church  
so key, isn’t it?

So key to imagining a church alive…with a heartbeat

…living in the power of the Holy Spirit

And it’s from this body language

That we arrive at today’s clothing imagery

It is a favorite of Paul’s

He uses it in Gal, Col, Eph, 1 and 2 Cor)


Bodies need clothes!



Today Paul says…

NO…he exhorts
Exhorting is what my mother did every Sunday morning from the bottom the steps:

Wake Up!

Get Dressed!


Paul is a MASTER of stickiness



Wake up and get dressed…things we do every day

Wake up out of whatever darkness has befallen you 

Wake up out of whatever pettiness and disunity is currently plaguing your community


Wake up and get dressed!


Wake up Cindy or Ed or Mike or Ken

Get dressed in that baptismal gown 

You know the one…gathering dust in the back of the closet

Put it on!

“Put on the Lord Jesus Christ as you did on your Baptismal day”



That’s Paul’s perfect advice for living in the meantime

Do it today and every day 

Do it and you will find yourself living into a newness of life where

Owing nothing but LOVE 




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