Monday, October 2, 2017

Especially today...

Monday of Week 26 in Ordinary Time
The Holy Guardian Angels

Zechariah 8:1-8
Matthew 18:1-5, 10

When I think of Guardian Angels I can see in my mind’s eye the linen (and a bit stained) needlepoint that hung above my bed.  The prayer, Angel of God, My Guardian Dear, was illustrated with a winged angel…my individual angel!

Though I am now more likely to identify the presence of that guardianship as the Holy Spirit, it still retains a certain childlike something.

The passage from Zechariah paints a picture of a renewed Jerusalem that is worthy of Norman Rockwell.  Old men and women, with their tennis ball capped walkers are resting in the city center as they are entertained watching the boys and girls play in the safety of the streets.

In the Gospel the greatest in the kingdom are those who preserve that childlike something. It is that receptive humble stance vis-a-vis the unimaginable love and creativity of God where we rest into our creaturely relationship with the God of all creation. Today, even more so because of the senseless violence that covers the news, I long to abandon my quest to understand…and just weep, child-like, in the embrace of God. 

Though not an article of faith, I am happy to lean in to the Holy Guardian Angels
Asking for their support to deepen my prayer

O God
Hear the cries
Comfort the terrified
Absorb the anger
Untangle the knots that squeeze out your love
Gather the prayers
Bring us, childlike, to your embrace
Heal us 
O Lord
Heal us

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