Sunday, May 1, 2016

Every Step*

6th Sunday of Easter
Revised Common Lectionary 
Homily preached at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, New Harmony, IN

My daughter
Started a job right out of college
It has been a two year series of 6 month rotations
Pretty much all over the country
It has been intense
And in two months it is coming to an end
And what she has learned…she told me last week…
is that she hates working for a big multinational corporation

And with that comes all the new anxiety of yet another transition
She is struggling to balance

That’s what I hear today
In the Reading from
The Acts of the Apostles
I hear about that constant discipleship paradox
That calls us to both URGENCY and PATIENCE

Today is day 43
Day 43 of the Easter Season
By now the Easter Alleluias’s are fading a bit
But Reading from Acts is an Easter Sign!

the scholars say that
Luke (the gospel of Luke) + Acts (the Acts of the Apostles)
Are two parts of one Book
And looking at it that way
The unity becomes clear
The Gospel has Jesus moving from Galilee to Jerusalem
And Acts has Paul moving from Jerusalem to Rome
There is a great symmetry in the story

So it is no wonder that the themes are the same
Written in the 90’s
the second coming has not materialized
new concerns emerge…
How does the Christian community manage
for the long haul???

And the themes of Luke+Acts answer this question
The themes:
The Holy Spirit,
and the Church!
Are answers
To Long Haul needs
And my friends
we have been long-hauling ever since.

Friday was the feast of St Catherine of Siena
And I found this quote of hers:
“Every step of the way to heaven is heaven”
But…she was only 29 when she died
And this life can be quite a LONG HAUL!
I would like to make
“Every step of the way to heaven…heaven”
And the themes of Luke+Acts are there to guide the way

So where are we in our Easter reading of Acts?

Paul and Barnabas are fresh from the Council in Jerusalem (ch 15)
It was a huge deal, called to settle conflicts and preserve unity
The issue was Gentile Christians and their place vis a vis
Jewish Christianity…
the battle focused on circumcision

After passionate testimony,
Paul at his preaching best
He wins the day. 
The gentile converts were free from the burden of the law
Peter says:
“GO…Go to the ends of the earth with the message…go with our blessing”
Can you feel Paul’s mood?
Wow…I’m quite persuasive
I’ve got charisma
I just changed the minds of the powers that be
The JERUSALEM church!

And then what happens???

They are stumbling around…aimlessly
Running into roadblocks to their mission
They are like a fly
that keeps running into the glass
Over and over

Were they so elated
So pleased with themselves
And their win
That they forgot to take time
To stop and ask for directions?

Did winning…so go to their heads that
Paul and Silas and Timothy forgot
Whose mission this was anyway?
Did they forget about that vital LONG HAUL need…
the promised guidance of the Holy Spirit?

It is easy isn’t it?
To get so caught up with our own agendas
That we forget that
We are here
I mean literally here in this Church
We believe that
There is actually a goal to this life
I’m okay calling it heaven
And that
At least potentially
“Every step of the way to heaven can be heaven”

Christina described to Rob and I how she feels
As being on one of those bullet trains
With no stops
And now she’s coming to a stop
It is fast approaching
But stopping is unfamiliar to her
She hasn’t stopped in 6 years!
She has no idea where to go or what to do next

Paul forgot to stop
He forgot to stop and listen
To give a chance for the
Guidance from the Holy Spirit to speak to him

I don’t think Visions
land very easily on moving targets
But like a tired fly
Paul stopped

And the vision came
Paul saw “a certain Macedonian Man”
“Come over to us…We need you…come serve us”

And All of the sudden the text is full
Of WE and Us
This vision didn’t just belong to Paul

The text says:
When HE had seen the Vision
…being convinced that God had called US
to proclaim the Good News to them
WE immediately tried to cross over to Macedonia

Visions are great
but they tend to be blurry and
they need interpretation
That’s where a community of faith, close friends, family…church
Become vital to the discernment
…the vestry here…
is tasked with that same kind of mutual discernment
Where is the Holy Spirit calling the community of St. Stephen’s?
Might it be somewhere off the radar…like Macedonia was to Paul?

And in our personal lives
Are we ever too old
Too stuck
Too sure
Too smart
To ask for some new directions?
I don’t think so
Not if the vision is
“Every step of the way to heaven is heaven”

And then there is Lydia
The first thing to note
Is that she is NOT a Macedonian man
She is a SURPRISE!!!
SURPRISE Paul, and Silas and Timothy
YOUR Macedonian man
Turned out to be a woman who was NOT from Macedonia!
Funny thing how we can be limited by our own predictable expectations

Lydia, a woman of prominence and position
A business woman…A dealer in purple cloth
Lydia and her band of God-fearing women
Respond to the Spirit-led preaching of Paul with
Great openness

Her response is total
Her response is conversion and baptism
For her and her household
She insists/urges (its the same Greek word the disciples on the road used to persuade Jesus to stay and break bread with them)
Lydia insists on putting her hospitality at the service of the church.

Lydia and women of the Church in Philippi,
Continue to provide support to Paul and his missions
He has a great love for the community at Philippi
The letter to the Philippians is most tender and joy-filled. 
If Paul had a favorite community, I bet it was Philippi.

So we have Paul and Lydia

Paul reminds us
That there is no shame in not knowing the directions
He witnesses to needing all the long-haul help he could get

He reminds us that
The guidance of the Holy Spirit, which comes to all of us
…in visions of all kinds…doesn’t fail

He reminds us of the companionship found in the church
Where we are never alone in this discipleship thing
And where discernment belongs to all of us

And then there is Lydia
Who models the openness of mind
And the generosity of Spirit
That is essential
for the love of Christ
to take root in us
And to overwhelm us
So that

"Every step of the way to heaven…just might be…Heaven"

St. Lydia of Philippi

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