Wednesday, August 10, 2016

a grain's potential

Wednesday of Week 19 in Ordinary Time

Some television shows start with “previously on ---“ and a re-cap helps set the stage for the night’s unfolding drama. 

“Previously, in John’s drama” there has been a growing gathering around Jesus as he moves to his hour.  That hour which had not yet come is now here.  Jesus has been anointed by Mary at a dinner stop at the home she shares with Martha and Lazarus.  Jesus has entered Jerusalem amidst Hosannas and branches of palm.  More people are seeking Jesus. 

But the hour is now come.

Time for a parable.  The grain of wheat is just a grain of wheat unless it falls to the earth and dies.  Then it is so much more.  Whoever loves his life loses it because theirs is a fearful grasping love.  Holding on to the seed, seeing only the seed, and not the potential abundance within it, is a death of what could be.

My life is just a life.  I can make it the absolute end all.  I can be the beginning and end of all my imagining.  Or I can give it away is acts of love and service.  The highly prized self-sufficient life is sacrificed in favor of the life of self-gift.  Such a life, according to the parable, produces beyond all measure.

I know that.  
I believe that. 
I have even experienced this truth.

Why oh why is it so easy to lose sight of?

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