Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How Low Can You Go?

Tuesday of Week 20 in Ordinary Time

Judges 6:11-24
…and then Israel reverts yet again!  Enter Gideon, stage left
Matthew 19:23-30
…continued teaching on the dangerous allure of material wealth with the saying about the camel and the eye of the needle

So in a nutshell, God raised up Judge #1, Othniel who won for Israel 40 years of peace. He died. Israel forgets about God and reverts into past behaviors. Then comes unlikely Ehud (the left-handed) and he earns 80 years of peace. Israel forgets again.  Then unlikely Deborah (the skull-crusher) and another 40 years.  So here we are and this time God chooses Gideon “whose family is the lowliest and I the most insignificant member”

Why is it easier for God to choose the lowly one?  My bet is that God chooses us all.  It’s just that some listen better than others.  And when life is tough, calling on God is a more authentic daily conversation.  I find myself longing for the closeness I felt to God when I was pretty much on my knees in confusion and lostness.  I’m rich and camel-like.  But maybe if I learn how to better spend myself and my resources; and maybe if that learning comes by way of a close and listening-heavy friendship with God, then I’ll get lowly enough to hear that call meant for me.

I pray it so.

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